Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blue Grass State Joins TSB!

The boys from "Love The Pain" a unique blog site, have joined the mayhem and will start representin' TSB in the south in 2008. Doug Roemer and Brian Segal are newer to the sport of cycling, but have always had a passion for COOL PEOPLE and COOL STUFF...which is why they will be hanging with the crew from TSB!

They are the start of TSB's GLOBAL CALL OUT PROGRAM. The recking crew from the south will dable in a variety of events this summer. Both have an interest in road racing, mtb XC racing, tri's, running events and the wacky sport of Cyclo-Cross. I'm not sure if its the beer or the cycling part of the Cyco-Cross they like more...we'll find out soon enough. Other parts of the GLOBAL CALL OUT PROGRAM will be headed up by Kimi Yamanaka of TSB's Japan cycling team, and Kyle Tabor will pedal for us in the wind's of Chicago. All the original Michiganders will keep it real on the mitten scene.


bsegal said...

Thanks for the warm welcome, Im brian the fatter slower CX racer and road bump in the group. I'm looking forward to meeting the team during CX season or if you make it down here to any of the spring road season.
Doug and I ran pit crew for a couple of pros during the USGP last fall and have been racing ever since.
If anyone is ordering bibb shorts, skinsuits and jerseys count me in.
When you come down here for the GP we will make sure we have beer flowing and a lot of good racing.

Masher's Media said...


Take lots of cool photos and even video! Our year end video will be calling for fresh meat...